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Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests Yabancı Dil Tıp Kita

Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests5th Edition

Liste Fiyatı : 85,00USD
Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests
Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests 5th Edition

Widely used in both academic and clinical settings, this comprehensive resource provides clear, concise coverage of more than 700 of the most commonly performed diagnostic and laboratory tests — including 30 new to this edition. Chapters are organized by test type and begin with a list of the tests covered, followed by a test type overview with specimen collection techniques. Tests are presented in a consistent format with normal findings, indications, test explanation, procedure and patient care, and test results and clinical significance, as well as any applicable contraindications, potential complications, interfering factors, and related tests.

New to this edition
  • NEW! Unique front section on coding for diagnostic and laboratory tests (ICD-10) provides explanations of the coding requirements and challenges for diagnostic testing along with codes for all tests in the manual.
  • NEW! 39 of the most current laboratory and diagnostic tests have been added to this new edition to reflect current best practices.
  • NEW! Updated photographs and illustrations reflect the latest changes in testing equipment.
Author Info
By Kathleen Deska Pagana, PhD, RN, Professor Emeritus, Department of Nursing, Lycoming College; President, Pagana Keynotes and Presentations, Williamsport, PA and Timothy J. Pagana, MD, FACS, Medical Director, The Kathryn Candor Lundy Breast Health Center and The SurgiCenter, Susquehanna Health System, Williamsport, PA
  • Açıklama
    • Description

      Widely used in both academic and clinical settings, this comprehensive resource provides clear, concise coverage of more than 700 of the most commonly performed diagnostic and laboratory tests — including 30 new to this edition. Chapters are organized by test type and begin with a list of the tests covered, followed by a test type overview with specimen collection techniques. Tests are presented in a consistent format with normal findings, indications, test explanation, procedure and patient care, and test results and clinical significance, as well as any applicable contraindications, potential complications, interfering factors, and related tests.

      New to this edition
      • NEW! Unique front section on coding for diagnostic and laboratory tests (ICD-10) provides explanations of the coding requirements and challenges for diagnostic testing along with codes for all tests in the manual.
      • NEW! 39 of the most current laboratory and diagnostic tests have been added to this new edition to reflect current best practices.
      • NEW! Updated photographs and illustrations reflect the latest changes in testing equipment.
      Author Info
      By Kathleen Deska Pagana, PhD, RN, Professor Emeritus, Department of Nursing, Lycoming College; President, Pagana Keynotes and Presentations, Williamsport, PA and Timothy J. Pagana, MD, FACS, Medical Director, The Kathryn Candor Lundy Breast Health Center and The SurgiCenter, Susquehanna Health System, Williamsport, PA
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